Build a brand, define your position, and create the ultimate customer experience with brand strategy

Do you think that if you have a logo, you have a brand? Wrong.

Without exaggeration, over 90% of clients believe that if they have a logo, they have a brand. Even professionals often get it confused – I know a lot of agencies, designers, web developers, marketing specialists and public relations firms who offer ‘branding’ but, more often than not, they’re actually referring to logo design.

They’re not one and the same, and they’re not interchangeable.

Learn how to build a brand strategy that will result in an engaging brand.

Let’s rid the world of bland,

one brand at a time.


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What’s a brand?

I like to think of a brand as the ultimate impression that your customers have of your product or service based on their experience, impression and information they’ve received. Think about it as your reputation.

Branding is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
– Jeff Bezos, Amazon

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And what’s a logo?

A logo is graphic or typographic mark that represents your business. It’s easily identifiable – think of the iconic ‘tick’ for Nike, for example. The tick symbol enables us to identify a Nike product or store.

What it doesn’t do, though, is communicate the culture, experience and personality of your brand.

So while logos are a great visual representation and connection to your brand, they are just a small piece of the branding puzzle.

A brand is more than awesome design and creativity – it’s about brand clarity, brand personality, brand uniqueness and brand culture. It’s about creating an experience.

Stuck with a logo and not a brand? I can help.

Thinking of a rebrand? STOP!

Yes, you may think that your business branding needs a little cosmetic work. But before you jump in with all guns blazing, consider this.

Are you merely recreating your logo, or are you actually rebranding? Because they are two very different processes, delivering two very different outcomes. Your logo should be one element of the wider branding process, which should take into account a whole host of things about your business, such as your vision and values, your brand story, language and tone… you get the drift. This needs to be considered when looking at the psychology of colour, the meaning of shapes and, most importantly, your brand personality.

So consider the motivation for your rebrand. Because the power of your brand is in far more than the gorgeous design and innovative creativity behind your sparkly new logo – it’s also in the clarity of your business. It’s in your ability to articulate your uniqueness. And it’s in your ability to live and breathe it.

So… about that rebrand. Do it, but do it properly. I can help – book your 1:1 strategy consultation now.

Brand Magic®… as simple as faith and trust

(with a smattering of pixie dust)

Ready to create your own powerful brand?

Try the Brand Magic® Masterclass program – all of my brand secrets in an online course!

As my businesses have grown and I’ve become more time-poor, I realised that for me to help the amount of small business owners that I’d like to, I need to take all that I know and put it into a program.

I developed the Brand Magic® Masterclass to share my knowledge with clients all over the world. Whether you’re in Australia, the US, UK or my home country of South Africa, you can access all of my brand secrets in a single, jam-packed online program.

  • Develop a brand that clients can’t help but fall in love with
  • Remain a step ahead of your competitors
  • Increase your revenue.

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I’m available for one-on-one consults. Simply fill in the form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Let's do it!
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